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Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 and the great biological reset

David Coussmaker Anderson & David Stuart Grimes

Vitamin D3, along with vitamin A and zinc, is essential for the natural immune system against threats from infections and cancer, although global D deficiency is widespread. D3, a uniquely flexible sterol, is formed by solar radiation on the skin and through its metabolites controls 3% of our genome, and not just calcium absorption. It is central to the miracle of human life on Earth. Big Pharma is aware of this but needs patentable drugs and vaccines as well as weakened immunity. The authors are two retired doctors who have questioned the scripted history of the SARS CoV-2 virus and Covid-19 from the beginning. They realized that viruses take advantage of seasonal deficiencies in natural immunity as well as the blocking of sunlight during impacts and outbreaks. 12,900 years ago, the melting of the North American ice sheet after a meteorite impact raised the sea level by 100 meters and almost wiped out humanity. This time the impact is virtual and driven by the psychopathic greed of the 1% in a Brave New World of Big Money, Big Brother, Big Pharma and the WEF-promised Great Reset. The overwhelming evidence that the SARS CoV-2 virus is a Pentagon-funded biological weapon camera formed the basis of the 2022 filing with Prof Joseph Tritto at the International Criminal Court naming at least nine individuals as responsible for this primary crime against humanity, from which others have followed.

Such action is necessary to restore the concept of personal responsibility in science. In his four chapters, David Grimes analyzes the deliberate mishandling of Covid-19; the proof of deliberate denial of natural immunity; as well as the hubris and nemesis of criminal, mandatory, untested nucleic acid pseudovaccines that harm and kill especially those deficient in vitamin D. Finally, some important proposals are made for the survival of our species, because otherwise Big Pharma and Bill Gates will simply continue as promised.

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