Isn't that a smoking gun?
by Naomi Wolf.
What the Pfizer papers revealed:
(translated into Danish by specialist doctor Jeanne Rungby)
Pfizer knew in April 2021 that the injections were damaging the hearts of young people.
Pfizer knew on February 28, 2021 - just 90 days after the public launch of their COVID vaccine - that the injection was associated with a myriad of side effects. Far from being the "chills," "fever," "fatigue" that the CDC and other authorities claimed were the most worrisome side effects, the actual side effects were catastrophically serious.
These side effects included: death (which Pfizer lists as a 'serious side effect'). In fact, over 1,233 deaths occurred during the first three months that the drug was publicly available.
Thousands of people with gout-like joint pain, one of the most common side effects, were recorded. Other thousands with muscle pain, the second most common. Then blood diseases on an industrial scale: blood clots, pulmonary clots, blood clots in legs; thrombotic thrombocytopenia (blood clots and concomitant lack of platelets), a coagulation disease of the blood vessels; vasculitis (destruction of blood vessels via inflammation); astronomical rates of neurological disorders - dementia, tremors, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy.
Terrible skin diseases. An abundance of heart problems: myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia, arrhythmia and so on. Half of the serious liver-related side effects, including death, occurred within 72 hours of the injection. Half of the strokes occurred within 72 hours of the injection.
But the most remarkable finding was that Pfizer's main focus was on studying how the human ability to reproduce could be damaged. They knew they would kill babies, among other things, through spontaneous abortions and harm the ability of men and women to have children.
Pfizer knew that lipid nanoparticles have been known for years to disrupt sexual systems, and Amy Kelly actually found that nanoparticles, of which lipid nanoparticles are a subtype, pass through the blood-testis barrier and damage men's Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells . It is the factories of masculinity that influence the hormones that turn teenage boys into men with deep voices, broad shoulders and the ability to father children. So we have no idea whether baby boys born to vaccinated mothers will grow into adults who are recognizably male and fertile. Pfizer listed the menstrual damage they knew it caused in thousands of women, and the damage ranges from women who bleed every day, to women who have two periods a month, to no periods at all; for women who bleed and lose tissue; for women in and after menopause who start to bleed again.
Pfizer researchers calmly observed and recorded it all, but did not tell the women.
Babies suffered and died. In part of the documents, it appears that over 80 percent of the pregnancies that were followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as "maternal exposure" to the vaccine.
Pfizer knew that the vaccine material passed into the breast milk of the vaccinated mothers and poisoned the babies. Four women's breast milk turned "blue-green".
Pfizer provided a summary of sick babies who had become ill from being breastfed by vaccinated mothers, with symptoms ranging from fever to swelling and vomiting.
One poor baby went into convulsions and died of multi-organ failure.
The story began when attorney Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to force them to release the "Pfizer documents." These are Pfizer's internal documents 450,000 pages in number detailing the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in relation to its COVID mRNA injection. These trials were conducted to secure the ultimate goal for a pharmaceutical company, "EUA," or Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA (emergency or conditional approval). FDA granted EUA to Pfizer for people over 16 in December 2020. The "pandemic," of course (a public health crisis, as one of my books, The Bodies of Others , confirmed, involved hyped and manipulated "infection" data and skewed mortality documentation), became the pretext for the "urgent" situation that prompted the FDA to grant EUA to Pfizer's (and Moderna's) new drug. In effect, the EUA acts as a free pass, allowing Pfizer to quickly enter the market with a product that was not fully tested.
The Pfizer documents also document what happened in "post-marketing," meaning in the three months from December 2020 to February 2021, when the vaccine was rolled out to the public. All leading spokespeople and paid media called the injection "safe and effective," read from a centralized script.
Many people who took this injection, which launched in 2020–2021–2022 and until today, did not realize that the normal testing for the safety of a new vaccine—testing that typically takes ten to twelve years—had simply been bypassed via the mechanisms of an "emergency" and the FDA's "Emergency Use Authorization." They didn't understand that the real "testing" was actually Pfizer and the FDA observing what happened to them and their loved ones after these citizens rolled up their sleeves and took the plug.
As we must never forget, many millions of these people who took the injection were "required" to take it, facing the threat of job loss, suspension of their education or loss of their military positions if they refused; in some US states and foreign countries, people also faced suspension of their rights to take transportation, cross borders, attend school or high school, receive certain medical procedures, or enter buildings such as churches and synagogues, restaurants and gyms—if they refused.
The FDA asked the judge in the Aaron Siri case to withhold the release of the Pfizer documents for seventy-five years.
Why would a government agency want to hide certain information until the current generation affected by the contents of these documents is dead and gone? There can be no good answer to that question.
Fortunately for history, and fortunately for the millions of people whose lives were saved by this decision, the judge denied the FDA's request and ordered the release of the documents; a tranche of 55,000 pages per month.
To read more about this huge project solved by a fantastic organization and network of voluntary efforts from several thousand doctors and scientists:
Buy the book at the following link.
Order The Pfizer Papers: https://www.amazon.com/Pfizer-Papers-Pfizers-Against-Humanity/dp/1648210376/?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e7RkbZDkfIC9jodV0ku_oOJVGzmsG-cOocAeO8rk3Y57aKu9SVzY3-ibyAbTDp1GIidIYolVuCvwpJcSrvIcwkU0 qSHyPR2cvQFl3ioXrkc.OCxEOv-MIAUmtBxnqMi6nPiaZwIIn7-4nQo0QB5GRWA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=683903396771&hvdev= c&hvlocphy=9004853&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=4281585178625165092&hvtargid=kwd-2289384149914&hydadcr=22592_13493326&&&sr=8-1