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Questions to the Minister of Health about DNA contamination of the vaccines

By Jeanne A. Rungby, medical specialist.

It concerns concerns regarding the contamination of the Covid19 vaccines with DNA.

In the first open letter, a number of concerns were expressed and questions were asked.

Pfizer switched from process 1 to process 2 after the conditional approval was given for mass production of Pfizer's Covid19 vaccine.

Pfizer's own figures showed significantly more side effects associated with process 2 compared to process 1. There is a concern that the manufacturing process, process 2, used to manufacture Pfizer's vaccine has not undergone regular good manufacturing practice GMP and subsequently that the authorities have not has ensured the necessary good regulatory practice (GRP) before these vaccines were given to the Danish population and the rest of the world. The minister assures that the necessary GMP has been carried out, but this is contradicted by the EMA. Read more in the letter.

Independent researchers have found that Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines are contaminated with genetically modified plasmid DNA from antibiotic-resistant e-coli bacteria.

These DNAs should not be in the vaccine as they may pose a risk of integration into the human genome. The minister replies that maximum values for DNA content set in the eighties have not been exceeded. The problem with these maximum values is apparently based on outdated maximum values for naked DNA in pharmaceuticals. These current values, set by the WHO, do not take into account that the content is packed in lipid nanoparticles (LNP).

Pfizer's vaccines have added gene sequences from SV40, which can potentially promote the development of cancer.

The minister replies that it is a small, insignificant section of the SV40 virus, not the whole virus, and that it (the section) is therefore not dangerous. The argument in the answer demonstrates a lack of knowledge about the significance of the find. This SV40 fragment is used in gene therapy with the aim of pulling DNA all the way into cell nuclei. I am therefore not reassured by the minister's answer, rather more concerned, as there is a potential risk of developing cancer. Read more in the letter.

DNA residues will potentially cause changes in the human genome that can be passed down to the next generation.

The minister writes that it is unlikely and hypothetical that this should happen. But the minister does not present studies from either Pfizer or official laboratories which show that the prescribed integration studies have been carried out to substantiate the minister's answer. It is a real concern if these DNA in connection with LNP can affect the germ cells (eggs and sperm) and thus affect the next generation in a negative direction. The letter presents research that supports my concern.

Pfizer has failed to declare SV40 to regulatory authorities.

The minister confirms that a "sample" of SV40 has been found in the vaccines (Pfizer) - after the EMA has asked clarifying questions to Pfizer. It must be interpreted as meaning that the Danish Medicines Agency did not know about the partial sequence of SV40 in the vaccines when they were given to the population. The partial sequences could therefore not be part of the informed consent either. My question is whether this omission should not have both legal and financial consequences for Pfizer.

It is possible to identify the vaccine-specific 2P spike protein in the bloodstream.

If peer-reviewed research has reasonably suspected or proven that the spike protein has a direct or indirect harmful effect on the body's tissues, then it is not acceptable to continue immunization, which is based on the body's own cells producing this alien protein, indefinitely . The minister replies that they are not aware of the spike protein being associated with side effects. In the reply, a number of documented connections between the spike protein and several disorders are reported as side effects, which is why the minister should stop these vaccines until all aspects have been thoroughly investigated.

Plasmid DNA encoding antibiotic resistance can be taken up by rapidly dividing intestinal e-coli. This changes the intestinal Micro biome. They thus pose a significant risk of infection for the rest of the earth's living beings through the faeces.

The minister replies that it is not likely that the mRNA vaccines can cause antibiotic resistance or other changes in bacteria found in our intestinal system and in the environment. There are independent researchers who are of a different opinion. It would be desirable if the minister could present the studies that mean we don't have to worry about this.

There is clear causality between the vaccines and the excess mortality postulated by Rancourt et al,. Which has investigated excess mortality in 17 countries in the southern hemisphere. The minister replies that no causality has been established between the vaccines and excess mortality in connection with monitoring the safety of the vaccines, and there is no suspicion of excess mortality caused by the vaccines.



Where Real World data shows excess mortality in temporal context with a medical product granted in the context of a conditional approval based on exemptions from product control, these authorities should ensure that, in case of sudden unexpected death autopsies, investigations are carried out for the connection between the product and the death.


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