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Is childlessness treason?


By Jeanne Rungby, specialist doctor. Photo by Oxana Lyashenko.

In a recent chronicle in Information, three writers from conservative youth chose to call the involuntarily childless silent traitors . The post was based on the fact that Statistics Denmark recently came out with deeply disturbing data on falling birth rates. The authors cleverly fail to mention that the very steep decline in fertility just happened in the years 2021 to 2023 inclusive.

It is embarrassing not to mention the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccines" as a possible cause of the drastic drop in fertility. In the spring of 2021, young fertile people were strongly pressured to take these genetic so-called vaccines by the Danish Parliament and the Health Authorities. It is by now common knowledge and openly presented in EMA's documents (7) that the so-called vaccines were given without being subject to regular regulatory control (9). No studies were carried out on the influence of these so-called vaccines on fertility (reproduction studies) nor was it investigated whether the so-called vaccines could change the human genome (genotoxic studies, 11). And the actual mass production method of these vaccines was significantly different from the lottery experiments on which the National Board of Health based its pamphlets for the population (9).

The question is who are the traitors? One could be tempted to call our elected representatives traitors when they do not want to investigate the connection between the falling birth rates and the gene-changing so-called vaccines. It is unusually harsh to accuse the young person who, out of responsibility - and to avoid the risk of infection by family members, was vaccinated with substances that we now know impair sperm quality (8). The reason why it was not known then in 2021 was because the Danish Medicines Agency had failed to investigate it before they approved the so-called vaccines, which was a failure of the authorities to say the least. What was known, on the other hand, was that the vaccines did not prevent infection, which is evident from the Folketing's own documents (3).

In TV2 news, you could read that the EU Commission has allocated 104 million to research childlessness. A portion of these funds go to Aarhus University. If these researchers, led by Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen, professor of epidemiology, do not manage to include the gene-changing Covid-19 so-called vaccines in their research, this will be just another attempt to sweep the attack on youth fertility under the carpet. However, the professor's statements indicate that she has already drawn the conclusions of this research, which she is about to embark on. She states "Today it is not so intuitive to have children" and "Why should it be important for me personally" to have children.

Dear Professor. Take a look at the steeply declining curve from 2021 – 2023. Shouldn't that decline be investigated in relation to vaccine status? What professor chooses to overlook such an obvious temporal connection?

Since the eighties, it has been the openly stated goal of the WHO to develop vaccines that sterilize women and men. In a document by J. Spieler in the WHO Bulletin from 1987 (1), 4 different areas of attack for sterilization through vaccines are thus indicated:

1. Inactivation of reproductive hormones. The obvious here is an immunological attack on beta HCG, (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone that is formed in the placenta and can be measured as an early sign of pregnancy. Without sufficient amounts of this hormone, the pregnancy ends with a miscarriage.

2. An attack on sperm cells (sperm)

3. An attack on egg cells (the ovary and hormones that control ovulation)

4. An attack on fetal cells and the intrauterine environment.

The WHO's plans to promote the development and production of sterilizing vaccines occurred on the grounds of an alleged overpopulation. How overpopulation is to be defined, and who has the right to make this definition, is a worthy discussion of its own, which can be taken up at another time.

In the article, it is assumed that these sterilizing vaccines are the individual vaccine recipient's free choice after fully informed consent. One might imagine a family that was already rich in children, where the parents did not want more children.

However, such technology can be misused by powerful individuals who choose not to respect informed consent. In that case, the vaccines against fertility could be given hidden in other vaccines, which is exactly what happened in the nineties in Tanzania and Nigeria. Tetanus vaccines (tetanus vaccines) from the WHO were given to girls under the pretext of preventing tetanus, which was hyped as a dangerous disease, even though it was and is extremely rare. The tetanus vaccines were intentionally coupled with beta-HCG. By adding this hormone (HCG) to the vaccine, an attack was triggered against the hormone, whereby the body's immune system formed antibodies against HCG, with the result that the pregnant women miscarried a few weeks into the pregnancy, every time they tried to have children. A film has been produced which tells the full story in source no. 2.

Sterilizing a child or young person is clearly a gross attack on human rights. Being able to reproduce oneself is a human right and for many the meaning of life. I would ask the three writers from conservative youth to imagine that the young people they call quiet traitors have potentially been sterilized through the so-called vaccines, which pretended to be a charitable purpose. In that case, the writers kick people who are lying down.

There can of course be many reasons for the declining birth numbers from 2021 to 2023 inclusive. The Covid-19 "vaccines" have been given to fertile women since the spring of 2021, and approx. 9 months later, the birth rate drops drastically, which due to the temporal relationship speaks for a causal connection. For that reason alone, it should be examined without prejudice.

A possible explanation could be that since the 1980s the WHO has purposefully continued their plans to limit populations through the 4 above mentioned methods of attack in vaccines?

If that is the case and the aim of these Covid-19 "vaccines" is to destroy the ability of young people to have children, it can be described as treason carried out by our authorities.

The fact that the "vaccine" did not limit transmission is openly admitted by the EMA in their letter to EMP Graff (7), just as it is documented as being known knowledge in the Danish parliament as early as January 2021, where the Ministry of Health writes the following to the finance committee: " The long-term effect of the vaccines is not known, as is the length of the immunity and potential side effects in the long term." (3)

So what was the purpose of the aggressive vaccination campaign against children, young people and pregnant women when it did not limit the infection. We miss an explanation.


What do we know to date about the sterilizing effect of these Covid-19 "vaccines"?

With reference to the WHO's method 2 , which implies an attack on sperm cells, the following has been found:

A multicenter cohort study from June 2022 showed that sperm quality drops significantly after administration of Cvid-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, 37 sperm donors, 8). Sperm motility decreased to 22.1%, which is highly significant compared to normal levels after the injections. The concentration of live sperm was also significantly reduced by 15.4%. The long-term side effects on the sperm were not studied beyond 145 days after the last injection.

Pathology professor Arne Burkhardt warned shortly before his death that fertile women should avoid forming partnerships with Covid-19 vaccinated men if they wanted to have children. Arne Burkhardt had found evidence that these "vaccines" attacked the sperm cells. In one of the last interviews with him, he explains his findings (9).

With reference to the WHO's method 3 , which involves an attack on egg cells and hormones that control ovulation: There are multiple studies that document that menstrual disorders are common after the genetic covid-19 vaccines. A peer-reviewed study from October 2023 of 399 vaccinated women showed that 53.9% had post-vaccine bleeding disorders (10). Shouldn't this affect fertility? The authors provide 4 references to studies with similar findings. However, it is unclear what is the real cause of these menstrual disturbances and what significance they have for fertility in the short and long term. Free independent research in this context is welcome. The question is whether the research funds from the EU are free or whether they are earmarked?

With reference to WHO method 4 , which implies an attack on the intrauterine fetus, umbilical cord and placenta:

A new study (6) showed that both spike protein and mRNA from the Covid-19 "vaccine" were found in the placenta and in umbilical cord blood of pregnant women who were vaccinated shortly before birth. This study shows that the vaccine breaks through the placenta-fetal barrier, contradicting the promise that mRNA would remain in the muscle at the injection site. Could this explain more miscarriages? You can read more about this in reference no. 5.

Some will argue that time has passed and the damage is done. However, Moderna has set up giant facilities for the production of huge amounts of mRNA genetic vaccines around the world, so the last vaccine round (under duress) - preceded by a public scare campaign - is hardly over.

Our health minister has confirmed, in a letter to the epidemic committee, that at the end of May 2024 she plans to enter into a treaty on behalf of the Danes, which concerns health in a broad sense. In this treaty, it is proposed that sovereignty be transferred to the WHO, without public discussion at all. The WHO is a non-elected NGO, with up to 84% of funding paid by the vaccine industry. In the submitted amendments to the IHR, international Health Regulations, it appears that from May 2024 negotiations are underway to give absolute power to the current Director General of the WHO. This will thus mean relinquishing sovereignty, new lockdowns, vaccine passports, travel restrictions, bankruptcies and more probably fertility-regulating forced vaccines.

So who really are traitors?




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