By Jeanne A. Rungby, MD.
A new document review of the regions documents the guidance that health authorities have given to Danish regions regarding the safety and effectiveness of Pfizer’s (Comirnaty) Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines”.
In particular, it was interesting to know whether information about new danger signals is being continuously disseminated in the form of ongoing reports and research on this vaccine. For example, there could be suspicions of sudden death, cancer, incurable heart disease, neurological disorders, risk of Alzheimer's disease, reduced fertility or stillbirths.
How did health authorities and regions ensure that this information on serious adverse reactions was registered later in the process, after the marketing authorisation was passed on to the vaccinator?
This guide, called a product summary , is 407 pages long and written in language that is difficult to understand. It contains countless repetitions, no dates, and is almost impossible to read in the midst of a busy day.
Pharmacists, nurses and doctors had these guidelines in hand before vaccination with Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine.
Further access to documents from the Danish Medicines Agency (regarding Lena Bang) ensures that the product information is continuously updated in case new information about side effects of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines becomes available.
In general, the following conclusion can be drawn:
Based on the product summary and the instructions given, the health authorities appear to have failed to inform the regions and therefore pharmacists, doctors and nurses who vaccinate against Covid-19 about the following:
· That the vaccines have not prevented transmission. This should be clearly stated in the instructions to the vaccinator, as the Danish Health Authority stated in its invitation letters that participating in the vaccination helped to protect others, which is not correct. For many people, this desire not to infect others was the main motivation for vaccination. (1, 2)
· That the vaccinations cause long-term damage to the immune system - the more vaccinations are administered, the worse the damage. Several scientific studies have documented that the ability of the immune system to fight both Covid-19 and other infections weakens over time and with repeated injections (3,4,5,6). The first study on the negative effects of the vaccine was published by the Serum Institute in December 2021. Then the alarm bells should have rung and the vaccination should have been stopped in December 2021, before the booster shot was offered.
That the risk of contracting Covid increases with each injection administered (7, 8).
A study from Cleveland was groundbreaking. This large and well-conducted study of 52,000 healthcare workers clearly showed that the risk of contracting Covid increased with each injection administered. The unvaccinated had the lowest risk (7).
· That the risk of permanent damage to the heart is so great that it is disproportionate to the severity of the disease (9, 10, 11, 12)
That there were other antiviral agents to treat Covid (13).
That the risk of serious side effects, Alzheimer's (16), disability and fatal outcomes for children and adults with the vaccine was greater than the risk of them becoming seriously ill with Covid , which was already known to the authorities in January 2021, when the risk of death among people under 70 years of age from Covid-19 was 0.05%, according to a study commissioned by the WHO (12), (8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21).
· That studies suggest that the incidence and severity of cancer increases with each injection (22, 23, 38)
· That the study that formed the basis for administering these vaccines to pregnant and fertile women was based on a study of 44 rats that did not include studies of the rat pups' germ cells or DNA integration studies. The rats were killed quickly, so long-term effects were not studied. The authors were employed by Pfizer (24). Statistics are now available on pregnancy complications, abortions and stillbirths, which represent an unacceptable risk (25, 26, 27).
· That the very frequent occurrence of menstrual disorders after vaccination could indicate that the vaccination had a negative impact on fertility (25, 26, 27)
· That sperm quality decreased with each injection . (28, 29)
That several population studies have shown significant (non-random) associations between these vaccines and excess mortality (30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37).
That the manufacturers changed the production method after the conditional approval and that no randomized clinical trials were conducted based on this production process 2 (39, 40).
The above review shows that much important information is missing from both the product summary and the staff instructions, which prevents vaccinators from providing the correct informed consent as required by law.
Go to source #4 and reply from MP Graff in the Dropbox archive