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Fertility and vaccines

By specialist doctor Jeanne A. Rungby

Since the eighties, it has been the WHO's openly stated goal to develop vaccines that sterilize girls, boys, women and men. In a document by J. Spieler in the WHO Bulletin from 1987 (1) the following is stated:

"A new approach to fertility regulation is the development of vaccines directed against human substances required for reproduction. Potential candidates for immunological interference include reproductive hormones, ovum and sperm antigens, and antigens derived from embryonic or fetal tissue.”

Thus, 4 different mechanisms/areas of attack are indicated for sterilization through vaccines:

1. Reproductive hormones. What is obvious here is an immunological attack on beta HCG, (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone that is formed in the placenta and can be measured as an early sign of pregnancy. Without sufficient amounts of this hormone, the pregnancy is terminated.

2. Sperm cells (sperm)

3. egg cells (the ovary and hormones that control ovulation)

4. Fetal cells and the intrauterine environment.

The WHO's plans to promote the development of sterilizing vaccines were made on the grounds of an alleged overpopulation. How overpopulation should be defined, and who has the right to make this definition, is a worthy discussion of its own, which can be taken up at another time.

In the article, it is assumed that these sterilizing vaccines are the individual vaccine recipient's free choice after fully informed consent. One might imagine a family that was already rich in children, where the parents did not want more children.

However, such technology can be misused by powerful individuals who choose not to respect informed consent. The vaccines could then be given hidden in other vaccines, which is exactly what happened in the nineties in Tanzania and Nigeria. Tetanus vaccines (tetanus vaccines) by the WHO were given to girls under the pretext of preventing tetanus, which was hyped as a dangerous disease, even though it was and is extremely rare. The tetanus vaccines were deliberately contaminated with beta-HCG. By adding this hormone (HCG) to the vaccine, an attack was launched against the hormone, as described in method 1. The body's immune system formed antibodies against HCG, with the result that the pregnant women who had received this vaccine miscarried a few weeks into the pregnancy . Beta-HCG was attached to the tetanus toxin in the manufacturing process of the vaccine. It was thus a planned action, which falls well in line with the strategy in the above article. A film has been produced which tells the full story in source no. 2.

Sterilizing a child or young person is clearly a gross attack on human rights. Being able to reproduce oneself is a human right and for many the meaning of life.

In the last 3 years, since the gene-changing Covid-19 "vaccines" were imposed on the Danes, fertility has fallen drastically as shown in the following figure developed by Max Schmeling and Vibeke Manniche based on data from .



Figure 1. By Max Schmeling and Vibeke Manniche

There can of course be many reasons for the declining birth numbers from 2021 to 2023 inclusive. The Covid-19 "vaccines" have been given to fertile women since the spring of 2021, and approx. 9 months later, the birth rate drops drastically, which due to the temporal relationship speaks for a causal relationship.

A possible hypothesis could be that since the 1980s the WHO has purposefully continued their plans to limit populations through the 4 above-mentioned methods of attack in vaccines?

If that is the case and the goal of these Covid-19 "vaccines" is to destroy young people's ability to have children, it must be described as gross abuse.


The Covid-19 "vaccines" were given under the pretense of a good cause, such as to protect grandma. Children and young people were put under severe pressure to be injected with these gene-altering substances, renamed vaccines, knowing that the Covid-19 “vaccine” did not limit infection (transmission, 3, 4, 7).

The fact that the "vaccine" did not limit transmission is openly admitted by the EMA in their letter to EMP Graff (7), just as it is documented as being known knowledge in the Danish parliament as early as January 2021, where the Ministry of Health writes the following to the finance committee: " The long-term effect of the vaccines is not known, as is the length of the immunity and potential side effects in the long term." (3)


It was suggested in a well-orchestrated public campaign that the young people risked social exclusion if they abstained.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen promised on the open screen that life would be difficult for the unvaccinated. Young people could not participate in their education if they abstained.

Today, the Prime Minister and the health authorities assure us that no one was forced. Judge for yourself.


With the knowledge that the government was sitting with, one has to wonder why it was so important for children, young people and pregnant women to have this "vaccine".


The head of the Danish Health Authority at the time, Søren Brostrøms, sent letters to 15-year-olds on E-Boks and pretended that they should take the so-called vaccine to protect others (by implication their beloved grandmother) knowing that the substance did not protect against infection(3).

This must be described as direct misrepresentation and thus illegal management of a public office with increased responsibility as head of the Danish Health Authority.

Why did Søren Brostrøm mislead the young and the rest of the population when he knew that "the vaccine did not prevent transmission? What could the motive have been?


The question is whether these gene-altering substances were intended to sterilize?


Søren Brostrøm has been a member of WHO's global board since 2021. Since August 1, 2023, Brostrøm has sat in the management team under the Ethiopian director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesos, who has been accused of genocide in his home country. It looks like a "thanks for the help Søren" from the WHO.


If we look at the WHO's sterilization strategy from 1987 (1), where the 4 methods of sterilization through vaccines are used, it is natural to ask the question whether covert sterilization of children and young people through vaccines has taken place again.


What do we know to date about the sterilizing effect of these Covid-19 "vaccines"?


With reference to the WHO's method 2, which involves an attack on sperm cells, the following has been found:

A multicenter cohort study from June 2022 showed that sperm quality drops significantly after administration of mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, 37 sperm donors, 8). Sperm motility decreased to 22.1%, which is highly significant compared to normal levels after the injections. The concentration of live sperm was also significantly reduced by 15.4%. The long-term side effects on the sperm were not studied beyond 145 days after the last injection.

Pathology professor Arne Burkhardt warned shortly before his death that fertile women should avoid forming partnerships with Covid-19 "vaccinated" men if they wanted to have children. Arne Burkhardt had found evidence that these "vaccines" attacked the sperm cells. In one of the last interviews with him, he explains his findings (9).


With reference to the WHO's method 3, which involves an attack on egg cells and hormones that control ovulation: There are multiple studies that document that menstrual disorders are common after the genetic covid-19 "vaccines". A peer-reviewed study from October 2023 of 399 vaccinated women showed that 53.9% had post-vaccine bleeding disorders (10). The authors provide 4 references to studies with similar findings. However, it is unclear what is the real cause of these menstrual disturbances and what significance they have for fertility in the short and long term. It is important to note that many vaccinated have given birth to healthy children.


Obstetrician James Thorp has made an inventory of pregnancy complications including abortions and malformations of the fetus after these "vaccines". The following figure is from his study:



He specifically warns about the possibility that inflammation in the ovaries of the female fetus already in the womb can result in children who are sterile from birth (9).


Referring to WHO method 4, which involves an attack on the intrauterine fetus, umbilical cord and placenta:

A new study (6) showed that both spike protein and mRNA from the Covid-19 "vaccine" were found in the placenta and in umbilical cord blood of pregnant women who were vaccinated shortly before birth. This study shows that the vaccine breaks through the placenta-fetal barrier, contradicting the promise that mRNA would remain in the muscle at the injection site. You can read more about this in reference no. 5.


It must be considered beyond any doubt that the "vaccines" from Pfizer and Moderna, based on mRNA technology, have been developed from genetically modified organisms (GMO). The "vaccines" are contaminated with plasmid DNA from coliform bacteria. The health authorities have also openly admitted that the "vaccines" are also contaminated with a section of SV40, a gene sequence which aims to draw DNA completely into cell nuclei in connection with gene therapy. This is called DNA integration. It is also clear that the health authorities have not carried out the required integration studies on eggs and egg cells (germ cells). Thus, they cannot claim that these "vaccines" do not affect the human genome in the children of "vaccinated people" (11).

Unfortunately, it is also a fact that these "vaccines", as far as process no. 2, which was used in the mass production of these substances, has never gone through regular scrutiny as prescribed by pharmaceutical regulations. This is thoroughly reviewed in my 2nd letter to the Minister of Health (11).


Could the drop in fertility in the last 3 years be due to the Covid-19 vaccines? It cannot be denied, so why won't the health authorities look into this?




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