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All Covid-19 Vaccines are in phase 3 trials with humans as test subjects


By Jeanne A. Rungby, medical specialist.

The polio vaccine was recalled (stopped) in less than a year after 10 deaths.

The swine flu vaccine was recalled in less than a year after 53 reported deaths.

The Covid-19 vaccine, with over 28,000 reported deaths, has not been recalled.

There is sufficient evidence of an overwhelming incidence of serious side effects and deaths to immediately recall these vaccines.


The World Council for Health has undertaken to do the work that our health authorities should obviously have done better, which is to monitor data on the covid-19 vaccines - and respond responsibly to the safety signals.

In the medical world, it is called showing conscience and due care.

This work is collected in a "pharmacovigilance" report (surveillance report).


What the report showed:


Data collected from official databases showed that side effects from Covid-19 vaccines are reported between 10 and 169 times more frequently than other selected medical products.


There are many thousands of reports of children receiving the unapproved Covid-19 vaccine.


There is sufficient data from these databases to conclude that all serious safety signals for these vaccines are present


Why has the World Council for Health (WCH) prepared this report?


Because the normal procedures for the approval of medical products have not been followed.


WCH wants to have documentation for its claims and especially that


Show the world a better way.


In general, it can be concluded from the report that:


All Covid-19 Vaccines are in phase 3 trials with humans as test subjects


On August 23, 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first Covid-19 vaccine. Many other countries' health authorities quickly followed suit. Prior to that, the vaccines were administered to billions of people under emergency/conditional approval.

Many people understood that 'approval' meant that the vaccines were no longer experimental. It's not true. ALL Covid-19 vaccines, including those approved, are still in phase 3 clinical trials.


What are phase 3 clinical trials? According to the FDA, phase 3 trials involve:

• 300 - 3000 volunteers

• Lasts 1 to 4 years

• Is designed to establish efficacy and monitor side effects

• 25 - 30% of the products will proceed to the next phase of clinical trials


The effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines have therefore not been established. In addition, the number of volunteers (worldwide) recruited for phase 3 trials of this product is very unusual.


What are phase 4 clinical trials? According to the FDA, phase 4 trials involve:

• Several thousand volunteers

• Lasts 10 - 15 years

• Is designed to establish safety and efficiency


Traditionally, pharmacovigilance data from passive reporting systems are only used to detect safety signals for rare adverse side effects that may have been missed in clinical trials. However, regular clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccines have not been conducted prior to use in the general population, hence the need to examine all available data to determine the suitability of these products for use in humans.

If you want to immerse yourself in the report, follow the link.




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