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Mission Vision

Our vision
We envision a world with health, where citizens can see through information and where they have access to approved medicine and to real action in the face of illness - at the same time that individual citizens' decisions regarding their own health are respected without fear of discrimination or persecution. We believe in a world where water and air are kept clean, where food is unpolluted and families are together
Our mission
WCH (World Council for Health) is a non-profit initiative for the people, informed by the people and funded by the people. Our worldwide association of health-creating initiatives and civil society groups spreads knowledge about health and creates meaning through science and shared insight. We are dedicated to protecting human rights and free will while encouraging people to take control of their own health and well-being
Who we are
Founded in 2021, the WCH (World Council for Health) is a non-profit initiative under EbMCsquared CiC, an organization of great social interest. WCH is managed by its international partners, the steering group, volunteers and supporting members
What we do
WCH (World Council for Health) introduces the world's best health advocates, doctors, pioneers and activists who are all fighting to achieve good health for all. We collaborate with over 200 organizations in 45 countries to promote knowledge about health. Together we defend people's freedom to improve their own health and people's right to choose healthy lifestyles. Click here to see WCH's activity report for April 2021 - March 2022
Our partners
Our collaborators contribute great expertise in science, healthcare, regulatory protection and community organizing, helping us to achieve our goals
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