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Interview with Jeanne A. Rungby
We are starting a Danish health council which is affiliated with WCH
The prohibited side effects
The documentary reveals a dark side of the Danish health system, which is unknown to most Danes.
Vaccinations explain extreme excess mortality
Max Schmeling, has analyzed the numbers and sees extreme danger signals that are apparently ignored by politicians, media and authorities.
The Serious Dangers of MRNA Vaccines
Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service to our healthcare system.
Died Suddenly
Stew Peters Network is proud to present Died Suddenly , from award-winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good
Pfizer's own 6-month report data on its COVID-19 vaccines shows more illness and death among those vaccinated.
Its Time To Stop the Shots
Before you allow your toddler to be injected with a COVID-19 shot, stop and research. You owe it to them to ensure that you are not exposing them to unacceptable risk, for little or no benefit.
Dr. Thomas Binder interview
How psychology was weaponized to suppress the truth in the age of COVID
Safe and effective - The side effects that disappeared
In a calm and educational pace, Tobias Hietala talks about the scandal with the so-called covid vaccine.
Safe and effective - The side effects that disappeared
In a calm and educational pace, Tobias Hietala talks about the scandal with the so-called covid vaccine.
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